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What will you do?

What is expected from a follower of Natural faith? He will be a friend of people and he will lead his life as he wants. He will make his own independent opinion. On these pages there is a lot of my opinions and they are here to help people to make their own opinion. Either you can accept it or you can make your own opinion thanks to it. In his privacy everyone can live as he wants and he will not poke his nose into someone else's privacy. His problems he will solve by agreement. He will avoid violence and he will leave it to wizards. He will watch opinions from all sources and some of them he will accept, some of them not. Everyone will be master of his own and he will join people with the same or similar interests. As to sex and other joys nothing is written except for the fact that he will not be interested in other persons and their sexual practice if they are not his partners. Also he will develop himself and his personality. He will remove fear and he will not send fear to anyone. He will refuse all kinds of damaging of earthly countryside and earthly man, he will value good and evil according to a human point of view not cosmic god point of view. And if he wants to support Natural faith and serve its people then he can became shaman or witch and he will do spiritual service. Who will acquit well he will be made a wizard and he will gain power to liquidate evil and to repair relationships. And above all he will get on well with people.


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The way of magician