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a life after death

Catechesus of a life after death belongs to every cult. There are three basic visions supposed by ideology and religion. The first: after death a man goes to nothing, the second: a spirit goes to heaven or to the light and the third: it stays here on earth among people and continues as a spiritual being until it incarnates again. The natural faith acknowledges all these alternatives as possible alternatives of a life after death.
If a human spirit can not express himself after death, if a man has no consciousness after death, then he ends up in nothing and a spirit can do nothing about it. He can be reevoke by a magician. If a spirit realizes the nothing as a room without any impulse, he can call anyone in his imagination and ask for help. Beings from the nothing can be drawn by triple calls of their names. As soon as the being hears its name, it goes to the direction of call from the nothing and goes to the person who calls it.
The second way is a way of a spirit to the light which is clear and does not dazzle. Behind this light is dark and there is a beast. The light can be turned off by a strong blow and the beast can be fought by a sword. It is better to avoid the light.
The biggest problem is going to heaven. It is eight milleniums since earthly beings were drawn on other planets into slavery and for reeducating. Cosmic authority forbids it and therefore people are attracted to heaven for reward or as the only one possibility of an after death existence. Tell all beings that decide about leaving for heaven that you want to go back to the Earth and insist on it. It is a task of a kind shaman to call the spirit back and to keep in touch with it.
The third and the best way is to stay on the Earth and care about its family, its kind. To stay among those you love and you want to help them. Establishing own power or intellectual kind is one of the aim of Natural faith.



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