Sense of human existence   lg_cz.gif (1158 bytes) lg__texty.gif (1133 bytes)  lg_literatura.gif (2944 bytes)

Prophetic announcement of possible development of a human kind

We are people living on our planet and everything that exists has a sense, a meaning. Comprehension of the sense of human existence can help us to order better social relations and it can ease the way of a human kind. Every man is a part of population and population gives condition of surviving to every man. Power interests organize people to groups of interests and absence of rightful order of power led to violence, destruction and wars. For peace and prosperity of population it is necessary to reevaluate all power relations and within sense of existence of a man to reorder them.

Human kind is a part of creative plans of the highest cosmic intelligence and for now it has a status of social checking model. The aim is to find suitable form of social and power model in which there would be no conflicts and all individual entities and subjects would have enough of space of existence. Now it is reliably proved that every intelligent being can be limited in comprehension of the world and its needs, this is proved by total spiritual systems of middle intelligence.

While development of natural systems has been finished successfully and there is harmony in nature, systems of intelligent creative beings is still not directed to harmonic relations. The reason was lasting presence of militant spiritual principles in ego which were shifting within magic from one power authority to another. These principles are now removed and replaced by one power liquidation principle which is under control. Their bearers are four in every earthly kind and their influence is connected with cleaning and protecting of the kind. Human behaviour in future will be under condition of personal characteristics of a positive ego in which there will be only checked and allowed spiritual principles, for example a flaming heart of love, an owl of wisdom, a golden chain of causality, a sheep of patience, plough of work, a falus of a man principle, a vulva of a woman principle, talent principles, principles of creative and good will. Earlier the problem was being solved by removing of a personal ego and its replacing by a social, total one, now the strategy has changed, everyone will have a different good ego. As a result there will be no need to create power conform hierarchic models, on the contrary power models with divided power.

Human kind will have to gradually repair damages that were done by enforce of subjugation of human kind by cosmic gods of middle intelligence who have committed unexpected damages in social area. For repairing it is defined time of four milleniums and it is going to be establishing of united exact communicational language which is esperanto, rebirth of spirituality it means non-conflict coexistence of spiritual and human beings, agreement of financial system and carmic credit, loosening of rise and free competition of power kinds, cult diversibility, accessing of informational treasure, rebirth of possibility of fulfilling life tasks of philosophers and prophets, rationalization of protection of nature and sources, rebirth of social informal relationship, freedom in area of sex and nudity, removing of influence of black magic, consolidation of relation of a man and nature and other disturbed or wholly damaged attributes of human freedom and prosperity.

Passed creative time has closed epochs established only on spiritual and informational area and now there are closing times established on combination of thoughts and material possibilities. Human existence approved real human needs and lots of possibilities were cancelled, for example teleportation, walking through time barriers and unlimited moving of material among cosmic subjects. After successful finish of creation of social models earthly existence forms will be gradually spread in surrounding cosmos it means at first in planets of near stars and later within the whole galaxy. And every fiftieth habitable planet will be similar to planet Earth (Terra). Other planets will have easier planet systems and beings of halfmaterial bodies.

Removing of frustration of individual beings and creation of space for social groups is demanding realization of programs in spiritual and material area. In spiritual area the thing is in personal strengthening, developing of skills and accepting a real view of the world, in material area the thing is in satisfaction of material and social needs, control of environment and also creation of subsistence selfrealizational space for all subjects on the basis of divided power. Possibilities will be defined by limit and so there will be not only shown way where to go but also creation of a space in which we can move without sanctions. The event called selfmademanismus i.e. work one´s way up by his own skills and prosperity, must be a possibility for everyone. It can not be limited by any law or magic only by publicly announced limits tying to status of individual subjects (limits for a man, kind, town, country). The main power subject will be a kind with its credit, relevant to certain independent cult group and so there can be free competition of power and administrative for benefit of a man and his planet.

Decision point of spiritual power will be spiritual human earthy cult which will be dominant or minor and will function within one race (white, black, red, yellow). Minor cult can be established by anyone (whatever entity) and it has minimal limits. As soon as its number of adherents reaches one per cent of population, it becomes dominant cult and must meet stricter conditions of social system it means it must be conform and non-conflict otherwise it can pass. In that kind of cult system power is provided by priest born from human incarnation.

Minor cults are considered as private and in privacy its adherents can live their own life style. The condition is that this life style will not produce violence and bad will neither to its surrounding nor to its members and it will damage neither their bodies nor their souls. Privacy of every subject is considered as an area of actions and values which a subject is able to control and use by its own powers and means without help of others and which has no influence on other subjects (it does not disturb). In his privacy everyone can create and live his life according to his own ideas. Privacy is bound to one´s place (a flat, garden, region, country). On the foreign place no subject can exert his power influence. Power ends in level of planet, among planets there is no possibility to realize any form of power. Cosmic councils and power systems were cancelled.

To sum up, the sense of human existence is to check non-conflict power and social systems and later to spread intelligent life in one´s cosmic surrounding, especially function and rightful power administrative upon power systems. We found ourselves on the edge of creative time. Previous time was working on hierarchic power on the basis of an united ego, the new creative time creates social systems on the basis of diversification of a personal positive ego, good will and divided power.