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The way of magician

The task of magician is to protect Natural faith and its confessors against dissenters, to conciliate conflicts and to bring new suggestion. Who wants to become magician, he sends this idea and waits till he is called and this service is offered to him. This service can be done only if he is able to kill a ghost. If he does not have this ability, he can be only on the post of shaman or wizard. A magician can be also a woman and they are called priestess. Financial source for living of a magician are rewards for spiritual service. These rewards should be so high that it provides rights and needs but does not produce plenty. Punctuation for bad work is a lost of magic skills. The way and work of magician is totally independent, he is led by intuition and invention and his skills and abilities are determined by tasks which he has to do. Power and actions of magician does not go over borders of a country. Basic questions, that concern off country, are solved by consensus of magicians. Common language is native language or Esperanto. Common consensus is not necessary, countries are relatively independent. A person that works as a magician by no right can be killed by spiritual world.
The first level is shaman. It is a person with his own charisma, able to do spiritual service. He communicates with spiritual world and leads pedigree of kinds of Natural faith. He educates his successors. It is supposed that he can do card-reading and has an ability to evoke spiritual persons.
By acceptation of other specific spiritual abilities and also by knowledge of psychology, shaman can gain ability to solve conflicts. Then he can call himself a witch. Who is able to kill spiritual being, he becomes a magician.


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Life after death