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What do you have to and what should you do?

I will repeat the main principles it means what is expected from someone who joins Natural faith:

1) act in a good faith and will so that everyone could know that.
2) the base of your power is feeling that you are acting right.
3) planet is a cosmic ship which is your permanent home for lots of lives.
4) protect your privacy and respect privacy of others.
5) develop your personal skills so that you could work for the society benefit.
6) do not hunt anything, do not want honour, express appreciation for others.
7) use reasonably opportunities that are given by your environment.
8) do not hurry, act lastly and purposefully so that you do not need to go back from dead end.
9) express appreciation to everyone, none thinks he does not deserve the appreciation.
10) if a man must be good, he must reach satisfaction. Try to reach it for yourself and for others.


A) try to get on well with everyone and try to come along with everyone.
B) whatever you ask for yourself you should award the right for this thing to others
C) try to keep prosperity of your own cult and do not attack dissenters.
D) work for your own personal growth.

What you should do, it is written in lots of pages of this web and if you think it is right, just accept it.

What can you do? Above all you can:
1) communicate with spiritual world directly or through medial persons.
2) ask for your future and try to change your destiny.
3) to settle your own line and ensure next incarnation.
4) live according to your own visions independent on moral of foreign cults.

What you do not need to do.
1) accept the thing that someone else thinks it is good.
2) take place in acts which you do not consider as good.
3) accept any opinions and appeals
4) work for people who will not appreciate it even if they can.



Conflicts and broils