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Medial spriritual service

wizard, witch, magician and priestess

Natural faith appeals a man to human ghosts and abandon the world of angels and demons.
The world of beings is above all the spiritual world and also world of incarnated beings to material bodies of earthly type. It is an interest of all living creatures to learn to cooperate within both those worlds. The world of people accepts information from the world of ghosts and the spiritual world has through a man and intelligent animals a part on life. The planet Earth is the only cosmic planet where spiritual beings are created. They are created by animating energy that moderates and improves bodies and social life to higher form.
Both worlds are separated and for the sake of saving certain system they are also isolated. Individual chosen persons can make a contact as medial persons. Spiritual principles which are attached to medial practice are the ear of clairhearing, the eye of cryptaesthesia, and a pen of automatic writing. Aside of contact spiritual beings are in parallel world of in cemetery.
Lots of spiritual beings are incarnated to new bodies and a family contact can have lots of forms such as harmony or total estrangement. To prevent from possible risk, it is possible to use for incarnation a ghost from one's line. These are the reasons to provide contact between spiritual and human world. Besides, spiritual world inspires a man, it protects him and leads him to a certain life style.
Whoever wants to do the medial service, may he sends the idea to a spiritual world. He can address it to dead person with whom he had a good relationship or who he never met but he appreciated his or her actions. The second step is to manage own ideas so that they are not running through one's brain. To be without word idea and to feel only intuitive thinking, it is a good result. Then we can accept and distinguish someone else's thought, which came to us through telepathy. If we are able to feel spiritual world somehow, behave to it as to living people. Learn to use pendulum and card-reading.
For other preparation it is good to be generally educated and to know psychology, sociology and also hygiene in secondary school level. Magic and witchcraft is not necessary to study from books, only for unification in using the terms and survey what others do. Spiritual acting can be managed by our hearts which means by natural talent and conscience. It is a world of thoughts where a thought comes to a man and he reacts by a thought. The world of thoughts is for spiritual world is something like reality for us. Therefore we can change their reality if we are called to it.
Human power begins where a man is sure that he enforces the right interests. To enforcing he can obtain specific power as a gift and a mean of his service. Whoever misuses power abilities, these will be taken away from him. The other principle is that every medial person it means a wizard and a witch will strove for prosperity of his own cult and he will never disturb the world of dissenters. It is in competence of a wizard and it has strict rules.


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What does the natural faith offer?