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The first statement

The aim of the project Natural faith is to concentrate individual spiritual cults, to establish contacts within themselves and to enforce their state recognition. Individuals or groups can join it if they agree and practically use these rules:
1) God is the only one and He is express himself by natural laws and causal legality. everyone is able to find Him in his own heart and he does not need to go to any church.
2) spiritual help for a man is natural and does not resist human naturalism. Spiritual beings protect a man and lead him.
3) all social contacts are possible only on voluntary base and a man must always have the alternative.
4) society on base of authority of agreements can have only one level of management. A person in a personal contact with all subordinated and for contacts among groups.
5) all acting must be on base of good will and good will must be presumed on the other side as well.
6) earthly nature and earthly man are agreed cosmic archetypes and it is not allowed to destroy them. An earthly man is determined to create and he must have the access to the tree of knowledge and to inventive information.
7) each joined member or a group have their own programs and are not superior to one another.
8) practical task of sympathetic and joined persons is to collect needed number of signatures for registration of brotherhood Natural faith.
9) Natural faith is for anyone who wants to build his own kingdom and whatever he wants for himself he declares also for anyone else.
10) whoever misuse the idea of Natural faith for enforcing his own total egoistic power can be destroyed by sanction means. It is necessary to observe the rules "Live and let live" and "Bless and you will be blessed".



The main reason of this activity is to join powers of spiritual groups and their issue to the spiritual scene. Also mutual support and knowledge of groups should toughen their power and influence.
The other step is to collect signatures and a demand for common registration. Then there can be two possibilities. Either religious freedom will include also Natural faith and social evolution will go on or society will reject Natural faith and then it will be necessary to change the society.
Natural faith is an alternative to destructive sects. It is a spiritual association of people of good will and non-selfish power.
To overcome language barrier I suggest accepting Esperanto.
Whoever would organize Natural faith, he would have only little authority. His task would be to forward and collect information. His task would also be to watch whether everyone who subscribed to common way observes the rules. Whoever breaks them then the superior authority has the right to warn him or to reject.

Medial spiritual service