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Faith differences in cults

I will try to explain what Natural faith means in spiritual line and cults. All cults and all opinion and spiritual groups are tied to some worldly power as an ideology mean of power. They create common contain of knowledge, opinions, values, principles and algorithms of acting for all subjects of a cult, it means groups, people and spirits.

Everything that exists is not good or bad as it is but assumption of individual evaluation measures of cults and ideologies and also people gives it a evaluation attribute good or bad (evil, not acceptable). The difference in evaluation is so basic that it creates irreconcilable postures and as to court or evaluation it is necessary to listen to both (all) parties. The evaluation postures are the base of differentiation of individual cults and ideologies. If there is a conflict among ideologies then it lasts until total exhaustion of one of the parties if there is no intervention of external power. Therefore these groups (nations) must be separated on their own area (spatio-temporal).

Individual cult groups can be divided into two basic groups: earthly and extraterrestrial. Earthly groups take side of a man and nature, extraterrestrial groups take side of its own elite which opens in return earthly area for their influence. Besides there are also some higher arbitrary powers which define power possibilities for individual subjects, it means groups, people and spirits. There is a giver of power mandate and they limit power of all entities working in our worldly spatio-temporal area. Their influence displays by enforce to gain an image of good, beneficial, rightful power that acts in benefit of all and has noble aims. This power is tied also to individual human personalities this I judge from the fact that a real power is hidden from people and it chooses its own followers on base of some levels of dedication. Powerful is the one who is able to orientate in power hierarchy and power entities.

In area of worldly and cult power there is a chaos because individual entities learnt to perform one another, penetrate and create non-real image. Still it is possible to distinguish reliably between earthly and cosmic power entities. Natural faith wants to combine all earthly entities and it supposes principles of cooperation on base of principle "act in good will, take care of your prosperity and do not hurt others". Since this principle can be apply only among earthly cults the presentation of cosmic influences become to be difficult and I try to show characteristic marks by which these two groups can be distinguished. I add that Natural faith is supported by above mentioned higher power which defines and gives out means of power. It is a phenomenon related to big creative changes within plans and intention of Being.

Differences: E: earthly cults, C: cosmic cults

1) relation to a man
E: a man is a free being, men and women are equal. A man is able to do God´s service.
C: a man is a sinner, it is necessary to punish him, better replace him by half material being. His doom is suffering.

2) relation to sexuality
E: Sexuality is a God´s gift, it is private and its living is defined by line habits and tradition.
C: Sexuality is a sin, it is a base of upperknowledge, it becomes a public thing, there is enforced perversion and violence.

3) ordering of power
E: power is not hierarchical, there are two or three levels of power. Power is given to more capable man and it is linked to credit and responsibility.
C: power is hierarchical and posts are on base of conformity and dedication. All social and political areas must be organized and under control.

4) knowledge, advice, wisdom, science
E: Enforce of a man is to get to know the environment in which he lives, truly describe reality and its principles (causality)
C: True knowledge does not exist for a man, he is mystified and kept in ignorance. It concerns above all knowledge of power and social relations and spiritual power.

5) truth and lie
E: Truth is a real description of reality, we say only thing we think it is true, we try to express it accurately. We refuse a lie as something unethical.
C: Only purpose decides about a contain of saying. What is purposeful it is said. Authority saying is considered as truth.

6) relation to animals and nature
E: Animals need the same love as people, good treat and freedom.
C: Cosmic cults scorn animals and they judge them only by their use value.

7) cult habits
E: Earthly cults create small spiritual groups joining several lines without power hierarchy.
C: They create big hierarchical churches of one God. They display militant postures to heretics (dropouts), sects and dissenters.

8) perspective of earthly life
E: A man will live here one hundred earthly milleniums.
C: People will leave the planet after its destroying for another planet where they will live only as spiritual beings without possibility of incarnation and personal spiritual growth.

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